- Hvor er dere i forberedelsene til sesongen 2016?
- Hva er målet/målene for sesongen 2016 for ditt lag?
- Hva er planene for resten av forsesongen, skal dere f.eks. gjennomføre noen treningsleir, ha scrimmage eller privatkamper..?
Første Eliteserie-lag ut er fra klubben som feirer 30-års jubileum i år; Oslo Vikings! Det er hovedtrener Jesse Alderfer som har besvart spørsmålene, som du finner nedenfor:
Our S/C Coach Petter Vogt has our guys in week 4 of our, «Explosive Power & Strength» segment of our program which started back in August.
We have been on the field working fundamentals since January. In a few weeks we will start ramping up practices.
What are your goals for the 2016 season?
We want to continue to build a culture here in Oslo of high character players on and off the field.
What are your plans for the rest of the pre-season? Camps, scrimmages, games etc.
We have an exciting preseason schedule set up for our team’s this year. We have a joint camp/scrimmage with the reigning European Champions in March, and the Danish Champions are coming to Oslo for a preseason game in early April, before we finish our pre-season April 9th in Germany. We also have a preseason game set up for just our 2nd Division team.
These will be great building blocks and experiences for our program going forward in a very competitive Norwegian league.