Vi har pratet med…Eidsvoll 1814’s U17

Logo 1814sDa har vi fått slått av en prat med Eidsvoll 1814’s Hovedtrener for U17, Greg Kleidon, og
hva han hadde å si finner du her!

Har dere noen nye spennende spillere? Tilflyttede eller fra egen stall som kommer opp fra årsklasser under?

This is our first time up at the U17 level so we are excited to make the step up and play with the best group of youth players in the country. We are still a relatively young team with 70% of our guys still eligible to play U15 in the Fall. They are an eager group who are hungry to learn the game and challenge themselves. We do have a good handful of extremely talented players who have returned to the club after playing else where the past few years so we are pleased to have their experience and knowledge back in the 1814’s.

Målsetting for årets sesong med laget?

Our goal is always to compete at the highest level. Give our very best possible effort day in and day out, as well as be the best teammates we can be. Team success and individual success and things like that will come when those two things are at the forefront. We expect a lot from out group of players because the amount of effort they have put into this off season. They have grown as a unit and I’m excited to see how we pull it all together when it counts.

Og tanker om motstanderne deres i inneværende sesong…?

I believe the league this year will be one of the toughest and strongest that it has ever been. There is a lot of talented players who have come up from the U15 level and those guys who have been playing U17 the past few years whom this year is their last is a very talented group of players. Most of them have been playing football for 5-7 years so they have grown and developed in their club and know how to play the game. I expect nothing but the best from all of them and am happy to see how well these teams have built up these players and how high they have taken the talent level. It shows a great promise for football in Norway.

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