- Hvor er dere i forberedelsene til sesongen 2016?
- Hva er målet/målene for sesongen 2016 for ditt lag?
- Hva er planene for resten av forsesongen, skal dere f.eks. gjennomføre noen treningsleir, ha scrimmage eller privatkamper..?
Neste lag ut er Eidsvoll 1814’s ved deres hovedtrener Greg Kleidon:
Where are you in the preparations for 2016?
We have now transitioned into our 3rd phase of the off season and preparations for the start of the season are in full swing. Our Import linebacker Riley Bowen has just arrived and we are setting everything into motion so that we are ready for the start of the season April 16th.
What are your goals for the 2016 season?
Our goals this year is to learn how to finish. The last two years we have come up short on winning the championship after winning the league series. So our focus is on learning how to keep ourselves in the best possible position to be successful in each game we play.
What are your plans for the rest of the pre-season? Camps, scrimmages, games etc.
As we grow closer to the start of the season we will be having a few training camps with our farmer team the Gjøvik Swans. We are extremely grateful for our partnership with them and how it benefits the both of us in our preparations for the season. We will be playing one friendly game April 2 in Helsinki against the Helsinki Wolverines. We are excited about that opportunity to face a great team and get some of the bugs worked out before we kickoff of the regular season.