I en serie innlegg som vil gå fra og med i dag og en rekke torsdager i tiden som kommer, har vi pratet med de aller fleste klubbene i 2.divisjon. Vi har stilt dem tre spørsmål med fokus på sesongen vi går inn i.
Vi spurte Sarpsborg-laget Olavs Menn ved deres Hovedtrener Travis Cornwell om tanker rundt sesongen 2015, og her er spørsmål & svar med ham:
Hva har dere fått av nye spennende spillere?
All of our new editions to the team are exciting. Athletic ability and football experience varies among the rookies, but each of them has shown great potential to develop into outstanding players. We have one more pre-season try-out scheduled for the 24th of January, so we hope to strengthen up the depth chart a bit more and get more players for our U-17 squad.
Målsetting for 2015 sesongen…?
Predictions are for weather forecasters and psychic hotlines. We’re grinding it out every week to make sure that we can put ourselves in a position to play for the championship. To quote Vince Lombardi, «If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.”
Og sist men ikke minst; hva tenker Olavs Menn om sesongens motstanderne?
In regards to our opponents, I don’t spend much time thinking about them. We are concerned only with our individual efforts in preparation for this upcoming season. How other teams have performed in the past is no indicator of future results. I can guarantee we will work our asses off and when all is said and done, may the best team win.