Vi har kontaktet de norske lagene i løpet av den siste halvannen måneden for å høre hva status er blant landets ivrige ildsjeler. I dag publiserer vi svaret vi har fått fra Vålerenga Trolls herrer sin hovedtrener Le’Von Warr!
1) Beskriv årets utgave av laget, forventninger til årets sesong.
With the new field finally being completed as well as the clubhouse this year will be about continuing our rebuilding process with youth and new recruits. Last year we had 11 new players with limited football experience and we look forward to their continued growth in 2023.
2) Hva er årets målsetting overleve eller vinne din divisjon?
Our goal is to continue to improve with development which over time will lead to success in terms of wins, losses, division titles and championships.
3) Hva tenker dere om motstanden i 2023, hvem vinner din divisjon?
I feel the division is equally as competitive as it has been over the years and any and every team has a chance to win it all in 2023
4) Hva er planene for resten av forsesongen, skal dere f.eks. gjennomføre noen treningsleir, ha scrimmage eller privatkamper..?
Off season training we started early this year. We have a camp in Langesund, and two joint practices planned amongst other things.