Vi fortsetter «Vi har pratet med…»-serien med det siste laget som har svart oss hittil og som skal delta i årets U17-serie; Lura Bulls ved hovedtrener Alexander Durazo. Han kan fortelle om et lag som har trent lenge sammen selv om det er første sesongen Bulls har på U17-nivået!
How would you describe this year’s edition of your U17 team?
This will be our inaugural U17 season so we have a good balance of experienced youth as well as rookies with fresh potential.
What is the goal (/are the goals) for your team for the 2017 season?
The goal of our program is simple: Go 1-0 each week. We all just have to do our job to contribute to the success of the team.
What are your thoughts about the opposing teams you’ll face this upcoming season?
I think every team has a great chance of experiencing success this year. It’s great to see the youth league grow so big as that indicates our sport is growing.