Vi har pratet med…Sand Falcons!

Da har vi kommet frem til lagene som har svart oss i fra 2 divisjon, første laget ut er Sand Falcons ved hovedtrener Greg Kleidon!

1. Har dere har noen nye spennende spillere tilflyttede eller i fra egen stall som kommer opp i fra årsklasser under?
Being that we are a new club all of our players are new and exciting.  We got players who are 100% new to the game as well as a mix of experienced players that really round us out. All of our first year players have really come a long way and committed themselves to acting like a veteran team and I’m excited to see all of them have a successful season.
Målsetting for årets sesong med laget..?
Our goals for the season start off with having a lot of fun. We all are just really excited about getting to play some football. Our first game comes 11 months after our first open practice where we had no idea who would show up or how things would grow. A lot has happened in a short amount of time and the way this team has come together has really impressed me. Our guys want to learn and our success this season will be a reflection of that drive to be the very best we can be. Wins and losses aren’t a focus at all. Those things usually have a way of taking care of themselves.
Har du gjort deg opp noen tanker om motstanderne deres i inneværende sesong..?
I think this years Div 2 is going to be one of the strongest it’s been. I feel all the teams have really put in a lot of effort to growing their player development as well as their coaching development and I expect all the teams to be at a much higher level then in years past. Just having the Bulls, Domers and Hurricanes in the second division shows that there are a lot of talented teams and players who everyone will be facing. Seems now more then ever you have a lot of former Elite players who are sprinkled around the league and I think that experience will benefit the growth and quality of the division.
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